Landscape Design


One of the best compliments I can get from someone about a project of mine is when I am told they love their yard.  We love the spaces.  We love to be outside and use the yard.  There is always something flowering. Our house/ yard looks great.  We love our patio.  Etc.!

This does not happen by accident.  I do believe garden design or yard design needs to be done holistically.  A designer needs to consider how the yard will be used and to create harmonious functional spaces incorporating all elements including patios, pergolas, swimming pools, front walks, driveways, yard space and plantings.

As a licensed Landscape Architect and a Horticulturist, what is the process I follow to develop a landscape plan?

How do develop an accurate base plan of my yard?  If you hire us, we will do this, but what if you want to do it yourself?

The answers to these questions are in A Brief Guide to Landscape Design.  Download a copy.  If you have any questions please contact me.