Add Depth to Your Front Yard With These Landscape Lighting Tips in Shorewood Hills and Madison, WI

Add Depth to Your Front Yard With These Landscape Lighting Tips in Shorewood Hills and Madison, WI

Enhance the depth of your front yard and highlight special features with a landscape lighting plan for your Madison and Shorewood Hills, WI, home. From creating a welcoming night time landscape to seeing clearly when arriving after dark, landscape lighting can become the feature you never realized you needed.


Soft Lights

When your landscaper starts with soft lighting to create a gentle glow on the base of your home, along the driveway, and shining on the entry to your driveway, each part of your front yard can exude the level of beauty you get a chance to clearly see in the daylight.

Soft, ambient lighting can cast a diffused luminescence over surfaces that have textural interest such as a stone foundation or a retaining wall. The nooks and crannies of brick and stone can be especially pleasing when illuminated after dark.

Wash lights are generally warm tones that make the feature look and feel ethereal. These lights can be the base lighting for frequented areas, allowing you to see where you are parking and walking.

Direct Lights

Direct outdoor lighting can be more focused and strategic to draw the eye to specific features. This tends to be stronger lighting to make your favorite parts move to the forefront of your vision.

Spotlights on majestic stone columns can emphasize their height and size. Spotlights can also be situated at the base of certain trees in the front yard to entice the eyes inward to your landscape. This type of outdoor lighting can also be ideal for adding additional, focused lighting on the driveway entry from the street so that you and your guests can see better.

If your home doesn’t have adequate spotlights on the garage to illuminate the driveway closest to your garage, your landscape professionals can include extra lighting there as well.

Decorative Lights

If you were not the one to choose the outside light fixtures on your home, planning a new outdoor illumination design can be the ideal time to correct that and make the landscape lighting align with your preferences.

While your landscape professionals are changing the look of your darkened front yard, that is the time to discuss a change to the sconces that shine at your front door and the pendants that provide more illumination to your front entry. They may be able to recommend an updated set of light fixtures that better reflect your personal style and enhance the beauty of your home.

Safety Lights

One of the main concerns of many homeowners can be moving about the darkened landscape without tripping and falling. Another can be the lack of safety they feel when they arrive home to a dark front yard.

Your landscape professionals can correct those issues with illumination focused on corners that are dark and the side of the garage where the trash is located. With proper landscape lighting, you should feel confident in your yard as you take out the trash and when you arrive home late in the evening.

Illumination that allows you to see all the areas of the landscape can increase your security and let you enjoy activities that keep you out longer. Well-planned landscape lighting can not only increase the visual beauty of your front yard after the sun sets but boost the security you feel in your landscape, too.